Pachora, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra

Affiliated to K. B. C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon

Established in 2010

Student Council

The members of the committee in general and the student representatives in particular are responsible for

  1. 1. To elect the University representative as per the University Rules.
  2. Bringing the general complaints/suggestions of the students to notice of the council.
  3. To participate in discussions and deliberations to resolves the issues raised by the students.
  4. To encourage inter-mixing among students from different streams and courses, the council celebrates special occasions or occasions of importance such Teacher’s Day, Traditional Day, Prize distribution ceremony.
  5. To make suggestions for the implementation of outreach programmes.
  6. To suggest for organizing various socio-cultural events.
  7. To manage the annual gathering and prize distribution event.
  8. Class representative assist and helps in maintaining discipline and other activities of class.
  9. In order to awaken a spirit of National integrity among the student population, student council gives special importance to celebration of Republic Day and Independence Day.